Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Reusable Snack Bags

Only a few more weeks and my little girl begins 1st grade. I'm so excited, yet nervous for her. What can I say? I'm a mom, I worry. It's as if mommyhood suddenly activated a worry chip in my wiring that has no "off" button. Prayer will always pause it, but sooner or later life kicks in and activates the worry feature in my mommy wiring. I know she'll love it though, she's very social and was at the top of her class last year in kindergarden, so I guess all I really have to worry about now is purchasing a few uniforms, shoes and school supplies. I've also added these adorable and reusable snack bags to my shopping list. I'm a sucker for fun eco-friendly products that help me save money along the way. You may pay more upfront, but you'll save in the long run by being able to reuse them.

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