Friday, May 8, 2015

Printable: Is the Moon Made of Cheese?

Free Printable Coloring Page by Paisley In Paris™

Being a mom is definitely the most challenging and most rewarding experience I’ve ever had. I was never a worrier until I became a mother. Never in my life had I been so exhausted until I became a mother. Never did my memory fail me, until I became a mother. There’s so much going on in the life of a mom, managing a home, her health and well-being, finances, career, and the activities other people in her household. Never did I value my privacy so much, until I became a mom. I’m 10 years into this mom thing and I still can’t pee without being approached with a question on other side of the door. And never did I know the meaning of true love until I laid eyes on that tiny little human for the first time. Watching her grow and become this whole other person with her own thoughts and feelings right before my very eyes has been absolutely magical. There’s so much beauty inside of her, and so much curiosity which results in oh so many questions. My God! The questions, day in and day out. Sometimes I just want to scream at the top of my lungs “Can you just be quiet for ONE second please!” because I honestly cannot hear myself think. But I don’t. I remain as calm as I possibly can, and kindly ask for a moment of silence so I can concentrate on the task at hand. You see, it is that same curiosity that will drive her in life to go places, to learn and explore and find answers on her own.

Needless to say, it was my own daughter that inspired this doodle in my sketchbook which I am releasing today as a free printable. And what better time to share than the Friday before Mother’s Day. So this one’s for you, mommies! In appreciation of all your hard work and patience, because boy, does it take patience. But remember, when your little ones drives you crazy with question after question, it was curiosity that led mankind to set foot on the moon.

Have a great weekend and to all you moms out there, have a very Happy Mother’s Day!
~ Dio

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