Thursday, June 18, 2015

Fontastic Birthday Invitations!

Birthday Bash blank invitations

I treated myself to a couple of fonts recently and I couldn't wait to put them to good use, especially my new cursive fonts. Ever since I began practicing my hand-lettering, I've been more drawn to calligraphy style fonts, such as Bulgary by Artimasa.

I have a pretty hefty font wish-list, but after seeing the many different looks you can achieve with Bulgaria by using the glyphs palette in Illustrator (as seen in the image below), buying this one was an easy choice. It's clean, legible, fun and sophisticated at the same time - not an easy combination of characteristics to achieve, so hats off to the designer for a job well done and font well designed!

And thanks to all the amazing font designers out there! You guys make our job as graphic designers MUCH easier by providing us with the tools that allow us to shine in our craft.

~ Dio
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